MIMC is currently seeking members to join our committees.

To help expand the media arts disciplines we reflect and to ensure that we have more regional representation, we encourage new participants from: Delaware; the Tidewater, Greater Richmond and Northern Virginia regions of Virginia; the Annapolis and Baltimore regions of Maryland; and all wards of Washington DC.

Steering Committee

The MIMC Advocacy Committee encourages and advocates for the sustainability of independent media-making in the region. The committee identifies policies, programs, and partners to support a diverse, sustainable infrastructure for independent media making; develops relationships with external partners who can invest in an active and vibrant regional media industry; ensures that the media fields are regarded by regional funding organizations and philanthropists as disciplines of the arts and humanities, as well as potential agents of social change and economic development; educates independent media professionals to work collectively as informed spokespeople and resources for a strong regional independent media sector.

  • Day Al Mohammed - Independent Filmmaker (Montgomery County, MD)

  • Erica Ginsberg - CineCitizen Media (Prince George’s County, MD)

  • Melissa Houghton - Women in Film & Video (Washington DC)

  • Lynn Hughes - Pidge Productions (Montgomery County, MD)

  • Lance Kramer - Meridian Hill Pictures (Washington DC)

  • Kiley Kraskouskas - FLOWSTATE Films (Fairfax County, VA)


Internal Structure and Branding Committee

The MIMC Advocacy Committee encourages and advocates for the sustainability of independent media-making in the region. The committee identifies policies, programs, and partners to support a diverse, sustainable infrastructure for independent media making; develops relationships with external partners who can invest in an active and vibrant regional media industry; ensures that the media fields are regarded by regional funding organizations and philanthropists as disciplines of the arts and humanities, as well as potential agents of social change and economic development; educates independent media professionals to work collectively as informed spokespeople and resources for a strong regional independent media sector.

  • Co-Chair:  Erica Ginsberg - CineCitizen Media (Prince George’s County, MD)

  • Co-Chair:  Lynn Hughes - Pidge Productions (Montgomery County, MD)

  • Jason Osder - Independent Filmmaker + Professor, GWU (Washington DC)

  • Robert Rooy - Rooy Media LLC (Frederick County, MD)

Advocacy Committee

The MIMC Advocacy Committee encourages and advocates for the sustainability of independent media-making in the region. The committee identifies policies, programs, and partners to support a diverse, sustainable infrastructure for independent media making; develops relationships with external partners who can invest in an active and vibrant regional media industry; ensures that the media fields are regarded by regional funding organizations and philanthropists as disciplines of the arts and humanities, as well as potential agents of social change and economic development; educates independent media professionals to work collectively as informed spokespeople and resources for a strong regional independent media sector.

  • Co-Chair: Day Al Mohammed - Independent Filmmaker (Montgomery County, MD)

  • Co-Chair: Melissa Houghton - Women in Film & Video (Washington DC)

  • Sarah Katz - Katz Tale (?)

  • Lance Kramer - Meridian Hill Pictures (Washington DC)


Career Pipelines Committee

Regional strength depends on media artists being able to access the field equitably, gain the highest level of craft, and have stable and sustainable career pathways that allow them to stay in the region and the field to thrive. Our Career Pipelines Committee works on initiatives to cultivate and retain the talent, skills and work of our regional talent pool, especially among under-represented communities; promote healthy and fair workplace and HR practices within our industry; and spotlight opportunities for media-makers at all stages of their careers (apprenticeships, collegiate programs, continuing education, mentorships, labs, and professional development); and gather data to identify barriers and opportunities for improvement.

  • Leola Calzolai-Stewart - FLOWSTATE Films (Falls Church city, MD

  • Dina Fiasconaro - Stevenson University (Baltimore city, MD)

  • Gabriella Garcia-Pardo - The Video Consortium (Washington DC)

  • Melissa Houghton - Women in Film & Video (Washington DC)

  • Lynn Hughes - Pidge Productions (Montgomery County, MD)

  • Malkia Lydia - Kuyamba Media (Prince George’s County, MD)

Distribution Committee

Regional strength depends on media artists being able to access the field equitably, gain the highest level of craft, and have stable and sustainable career pathways that allow them to stay in the region and the field to thrive. Our Career Pipelines Committee works on initiatives to cultivate and retain the talent, skills and work of our regional talent pool, especially among under-represented communities; promote healthy and fair workplace and HR practices within our industry; and spotlight opportunities for media-makers at all stages of their careers (apprenticeships, collegiate programs, continuing education, mentorships, labs, and professional development); and gather data to identify barriers and opportunities for improvement.

  • Chair: Kiley Kraskouskas - FLOWSTATE Films (Fairfax County, VA)

  • Melissa Houghton - Women in Film & Video (Washington DC)

  • Carletta S. Hurt - IKAM Productions (Washington DC)

  • Sarah Katz - Katz Tale (?)

  • Amy Oden - MPT (Baltimore city, MD)
